Tobacco-Free Utah
The Tobacco Prevention and Control Program (TPCP) is a state government entity with the Utah Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) that uses evidence-based strategies to promote health equity and reduce tobacco use and tobacco-related disease, death and disparities among Utahns.

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death, responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States.
Through decades of attractive products, targeted marketing by the tobacco industry, and systems that have failed to protect them, historically marginalized communities experience disproportionate tobacco use and significant health inequities.
Utah has been a leader in tobacco prevention and control for decades through comprehensive tobacco program efforts, innovative policies and powerful partnerships. TPCP strongly believes it is possible to have a Utah free of commercial tobacco use and nicotine addiction.
In accordance with Utah State Code, it is illegal to use any tobacco or nicotine product indoors in areas of Utah Code § 26B-7-502. For violations of this law, an anonymous complaint may be submitted in this Complaint Form.
Tobacco Prevention and Control in Utah – Twenty-Third Annual Report
Twenty-Third Annual Report
Electronic Cigarettes and Proper Disposal
Utah law requires schools to confiscate and properly dispose of electronic cigarette products.
Tobacco-Free Utah
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