Smoking or vaping complaint form

The Utah Indoor Clean Air Act bans smoking and vaping in public indoor places and most places of employment. The public is encouraged to report businesses that are not in compliance with the law. If you see a possible violation, you can report it anonymously by filling out the form below. If you would prefer to speak with someone directly regarding the violation, please contact your Local Health Department.

What Happens When a Complaint Is Received

Enforcement staff will visit the location of the violation within three (3) business days from the time they receive the notification. State and local health departments make every effort to use education as the primary tool to correct violations. However, failure to follow the law may result in penalties to the business, agency, organization, or individual. All complaints received are kept confidential. Details of your report are never shared with third parties.

Protection against Discrimination

“An employer may not discriminate or take any adverse action against an employee or applicant because that person has sought enforcement of the provisions of the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act, the smoking policy of the workplace, or otherwise protests the smoking of others” (R392-510-13).

Click here for more information on the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act Rule
Click here for more information on the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act Statute

Smoking or vaping complaint form

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